Котлеты из куриного филе с начинкой из сливочного масла с укропом, жаренные в хрустящей панировке, подаются с картофельным пюре, толченым зеленым горошком со сливками и клюквенным соусом
19.1 Br445 g
Куриная котлета по-домашнему с картофельным пюре
Котлета из куриного мяса, подается со сливочным соусом с боровиками, шампиньонами и луком, толченым зеленым горошком со сливками, обжаренными томатами черри
18.2 Br410 g
Сковородка Сельская с деревенскими колбасками
Колбаски со свининой и курицей, подаётся с яичницей, драниками, шкварками с луком и сметаной
18.7 Br405 g
Сырники с ягодным соусом
Жареные сырники, подаются с ягодным соусом и сметаной
10.3 Br230 g
Картофельные драники, укроп
9.9 Br220 g
Драники с грибами
Драники с шампиньонами, вешенками и боровиками, тимьяном, луком и чесноком, со сливочным соусом и соусом Демиглас
16.5 Br370 g
Оливье с ветчиной
Ветчина, зеленый горошек. маринованные огурцы, картофель, морковь, заправленные майонезом, подаются с яйцом и ростками гороха
11.4 Br220 g
Борщ с ребрышком
Борщ на мясном бульоне со свиным ребрышком, подается со сметаной
11.8 Br380 g
Домашняя солянка
Мясная солянка на мясном бульоне с ветчиной, сосисками, салями и копченой говядиной, картофелем, луком, маринованными огурцами, маслинами, подается со сметаной
11.8 Br320 g
Холодник, приготовленный на кефире со сметаной, яйцом, свежими огурцами и зеленью
The service is extremely slow in all Vasilki locations . Awful.
No one is around from waiters. 30-40 min just for ordering meals 🤦🏻♀️
Level 5 Local Expert
March 10
Cornflowers is a great place for those who are looking for comfort and delicious home cooking! The restaurant has a warm atmosphere reminiscent of a country house: wooden decor elements, soft sofas and attentive service create a feeling of comfort and coziness.
The menu will delight you with a variety of dishes: from traditional Russian to European delicacies. Special attention should be paid to pastries and desserts — everything is prepared right on the spot, so it is always fresh and fragrant. The portions are generous, the prices are adequate.
I recommend Cornflowers for family dinners, meetings with friends or a romantic dinner. This is the kind of restaurant where you feel at home, enjoying delicious food and a warm atmosphere)
See original · Русский
Show business's response
иванов иван
Level 11 Local Expert
July 21, 2024
I love Cornflowers, another kind quiet and calm cozy place, with a national interior and the kindest people and an atmosphere of calm and comfort, a homely calm atmosphere, eating pancakes, for example, in such an environment is real bliss. The music is at the level, it is designed in the style of comfort and tranquility, the atmosphere will immerse you in the originality of national cuisine and interior, while maintaining a homely atmosphere, as if you are at home, I recommend to anyone who wants to immerse themselves in a homely atmosphere or is looking for acquaintances to create a family, a wonderful example of home comfort, wonderful families, there is much to learn from those who dreams of creating such an atmosphere at home, an example of a family hearth, the simplicity of this institution will charm you, immerse you in the comfort of home, and for someone it will become an example of a future family. Housewives, real bees cooking for you will not leave you indifferent, they will remind you how good it is to have your own family, and even once again teach you by their example how to cook for your husbands and wives, what kind of atmosphere should be in your families, a wonderful place, all Cornflowers are a masterpiece of family cuisine. Visiting the Cornflowers, you are like two families. I really love their professional style in everything, an unforgettable place, an example for future housewives and mothers, many people will want to transfer this atmosphere to their family. Take an example from these hardworking bees. How nice that there are such diligent hostesses and hosts. The work of these guys is a real example of a friendly family. I don't know if a review will be useful, but try to visit there, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a family, even if you don't have one, you will want to create one. Yes, family is difficult, but look at how housewives and hosts work, that's where the real family is their collective. Cornflowers are clever! And try their pancakes, which were prepared by these beautiful witches. You will probably want to take as an example how to cook at home with your family, and if you do not have it, hurry to Cornflowers, learn home comfort in this place. It will not leave you indifferent. Don't forget, it's not only food, but also a kind atmosphere. And the future housewives are a real example of beauty and comfort, and the owners. Perhaps someone will come to work for them, this is an excellent school for the owners and future parents. Real beauty, culture, calm atmosphere, and most importantly, friendliness and tranquility, places for any family. Simple as everything ingenious is just the atmosphere. Perhaps the unique best example of a family environment, with a national flavor of kindness, calmness and warm attitude towards people with different moods. You will feel calm and comfortable here, and the food will cheer you up, even if you are not in the mood at all.