The doors arrived yesterday and I want to say that it's just a fire,I haven't seen such high-quality goods for a long time,all the details are perfectly packaged, each handle is in a separate box, a huge thank you to those people who make such beauty.Everything is so perfect that there are no words to express your delight
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V. Gieswein
Level 4 Local Expert
October 17, 2022
It's a pity that it is. They promised a lot. But then they took an advance payment and no longer went to the phone. There is no measurer, no manager, and no one at all! Very sorry.
See original
Саша Иванов
Level 4 Local Expert
September 25, 2022
The doors promised that they would be in three months, three have already passed, but there are still no doors.The contract is drawn up very cunningly, you have no rights.