Оборудованное помещение для репетиций музыкальных коллективов.
В студии: ударная установка, гитарный комбо, басовый комбо, электропиано, два вокальных микрофона.
Два часа - 40 рублей.
Солигорск, Набережная 2.
40 Br2 h
Уроки игры на фортепиано
Приглашаем желающих обучаться игре на фортепиано в нашу студию.
Первый урок (прослушивание) - бесплатно.
Можно купить 1, 4 или 8 занятий.
Солигорск, Набережная 2.
240 Br8 ac.hour
Цифровое пианино, 88 полувзвешенных клавиш, полифония 128 голосов, 88 звуков, процессор эффектов, пользовательские пресеты, динамики 20 Вт, USB.
В Солигорске $450. Стойка X образная $35.
Инструмент в студии на Набережной 2. Можно прийти, поиграть.
Let's be honest. How many times have you watched YouTube videos with your idols, how they record their masterpieces in the studio, and everything is somehow easy and natural for them. I wish I could do that? But how?
Stop the car!
You can do the same and even better! You just have to want to. I wanted to and I did it!
I will describe my feelings: when I went to Zhdanovich's studio, I plunged into a sea of professional equipment, various shiny, weighty, chrome-plated, beautiful things and gadgets. There is a coating on the floor, the walls are quiet, the headphones are soft, the microphone is on the level, the lyrics are on the music stand, and Vyacheslav is sitting at the remote control and he is already there, in headphones, telling you what and how. Friends, everything is for real!!! We recorded for about 1.5 hours.
I don't know how much more Vyacheslav worked on my songs later, but the result surprised and pleased me very much.
If you only knew how much I enjoy sending these songs to my friends now and signing them: "I recorded this song in the studio."
Do you know what they say to me? 95% of them write: "The quality is immediately audible and you sound better too. Cool, well done!" And 5% don't write anything because they died of envy.
Drawing a line. If you want to get a good result and pleasure from your work, then Vyacheslav Zhdanovich's studio is the best assistant in this. I recommend it!
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Show business's response
Александр Кузнецов
Level 2 Local Expert
September 16, 2023
Spacious and comfortable. The sound is solid, there is everything you need. If you need more than two microphones, it's better to take your own. A change of shoes is also necessary.