poor choice of things, terrible service, the staff follows you around as if you stole something. Although there's nothing to steal there. A woman in a blue dress, a simpler cabin and no sushi teeth. Husk, you've succeeded under the counter. We weren't going to steal anything, although a T-shirt with a wreath was tempting. 2 stars, one for the name, the second for being in an elite area.
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Леонид Громыко
Level 10 Local Expert
September 1, 2023
Обычный секонд, наверное плюс в удобстве и относительно чистом помещении. Ничего не выбрал, но посмотреть есть что, особенно девушкам.
Анна Мойсейчик
Level 8 Local Expert
November 27, 2023
I go on discounts, a good second with a choice of clothes. A large and clean room.