Profile and settings

Log in to Yango Maps to get access to all the available features.

Profile menu

If you are logged in, click your profile picture to open a slide-out panel under the search bar.

The slide-out panel includes the following buttons to the right of the profile image and under it:

Opens the menu:

- Clear history: Deletes your search suggestions and routes in the browser and Yango Maps mobile app.
- Log out: Logs you out of the service.

Rate place

Opens a list of places you may have visited. You can rate a place, skip it, or indicate that you haven't visited it.

Edit map

Opens the map editing menu where you can edit the information or add a new place.


Opens a window where you can select an issue type and fill out the feedback form.

Use my location

If you allow the service to detect your location, it will use the data to create routes, show traffic conditions, and search for places on the map.


You don't have to allow access to your location.

To enable the option:

  1. Click .

  2. A request window will open at the top of the page. Click Allow.

  3. You'll see your location marked with . Click the placemark to see your exact address and coordinates.

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