Search on map
On Yango Maps, you can search for:
Geographic locality
By its name.
The search results for [Moscow] will show the city, the river, and the hotel named “Moscow”.
By the combination of a geographic locality and its type.
In the search results for [Moscow river], you'll see exact results for the Moscow river.
By the place coordinates.
In the search results for [79°30′ N 76°54′ E], you'll see Vize Island in the Kara Sea.
By its name or type.
The search results for [pharmacy] will show all pharmacies within the map view.
By the combination of the name/type and locality.
The search results for [pharmacy, street name] will show pharmacies on and around the street.
Public transport route
By its number and type (for example, “Bus 39”).
You will see the route line and icons with the route number moving around the map in real time. For more information, see Routes and stops.
Find a place
On the home page, enter a query in the search bar.
Suggestions under the search bar will help to accelerate your search. -
A list of places will appear in the slide-out panel in the left part of the screen.
To highlight a placemark, hover over the place in the list: -
To see the details about a place, click its name in the list or the placemark: the place card will open. The entrance to the building will be marked with
To go back to the list of found places, click
in the search bar.
To close the card, in the top-right corner, click
If you search for a place by its coordinates, make sure you enter them correctly:
Enter coordinates as [latitude, longitude] (comma-separated, in decimal degrees with the fractional part after the decimal point). For example, 55.777044, 37.555554.
The maximum number of decimal places is seven.
By default, the system searches for an option [North latitude, East longitude].
If you want to enter other values, you can use the following search options (N — North, S — South, E — East, W — West). For example: S55.777044, W37.555554 or 55.777044S, 37.555554W.
Quick search
Use the quick search panel in the side menu of the Yango Maps home page under the search bar. It shows the popular categories: “Food”, “Groceries stores”, “Pharmacies”, “Hotels”, and so on.
To use the quick search:
Click the appropriate button. Organizations of the selected type will be displayed on the map.
If you've set a route, you'll see places located along the route.
If you haven't set a route, the map will display places nearby.
All found places are listed in the slide-out panel in the left part of the screen.
To open a place card, select the place in the list or on the map.
If there's no suitable category in the quick search panel, use the search bar.