The rarest and most valuable type of black caviar is beluga caviar. A true masterpiece of nature, it’s incredible creation. Surprisingly large eggs with shades of gray and its taste surpasses anything you have ever tasted - delicate, soft with a c...
1184 AED
BELUGA Volzhenka Caviar - 50 GRAMM -
Beluga from the Huso Huso sturgeon is the pinnacle of caviar excellence. It is prized for its ethereal texture, and its delicate yet rich and buttery flavour. The eggs are a luminous shade that runs from light silver to deep grey and can reach fou...
1132 AED
BELUGA CAVIAR - Azerbaijan - 113 GRAMM
The rarest and most valuable type of black caviar is beluga caviar. A true masterpiece of nature, it’s incredible creation. Surprisingly large eggs with shades of gray and its taste surpasses anything you have ever tasted - delicate, soft with a c...
1070 AED
BELUGA Volzhenka Caviar - 30 GRAMM -
Beluga from the Huso Huso sturgeon is the pinnacle of caviar excellence. It is prized for its ethereal texture, and its delicate yet rich and buttery flavour. The eggs are a luminous shade that runs from light silver to deep grey and can reach fou...
682 AED
BELUGA CAVIAR - Azerbaijan - 50 GRAMM
The rarest and most valuable type of black caviar is beluga caviar. A true masterpiece of nature, it’s incredible creation. Surprisingly large eggs with shades of gray and its taste surpasses anything you have ever tasted - delicate, soft with a c...
474 AED
Russian sturgeon meat - 3000 GRAMM
Russian Sturgeon: Epitome of Elegance and Artistry Indulge yourself in a realm of refined flavors and unparalleled luxury with our Russian sturgeon. This noble fish, recognized as a symbol of sophistication, promises an unforgettable gastronomic e...
510 AED
Red King Crab - 1000 GRAMM
Краб камчатский. Варено-мороженый, глазированный. Red King Crab - это крупный и высоко ценный вид крабов, который обитает в холодных водах Северной Тихоокеанской полуторкилометровой зоны. Отличается ярко-красным окрасом и большими мясистыми клешня...
400 AED
Tinned fish «Natural Sturgeon» - 220 GRAMM
Natural sturgeon is the choice of lovers of minimalism, those who prefer not to add anything to the taste of royal fish. We use good, large, selected pieces of fish to create our tinned goods. The products are suitable for long-term storage and ar...
126 AED
Tinned fish «Sturgeon in oil» - 220 GRAMM
«Sturgeon blanched in oil» is a canned food with a rich taste, an excellent ingredient for a variety of appetizers, salads and fillings. Thanks to our cooking technologies, all the nutrients contained in sturgeon fish are preserved. Ingredients: b...
126 AED
Fresh cooked blinis
Fresh cooked blinis are a traditional Russian dish made from a batter of flour, eggs, and milk. They have a soft and fluffy texture and are ideal for serving as a base for a variety of toppings, from sweet jams and honey to savory caviar and smoke...
بوتيك الكافيار هو متجر رائع! زرت مع أصدقائي وكان لدينا تجربة جميلة. كان الموظفون ودودين للغاية وساعدونا في اختيار الكافيار المثالي. كان الكافيار نفسه لذيذا وذو جودة عالية. استمتعنا به مع المفرقعات والشمبانيا. أوصي بشدة بوتيك الكافيار لأي شخص يبحث عن علاج خاص!
شاهد الأصلي · English
Karina Leihtz
مستوى 2 خبير محلي
أبريل 10 ، 2024
أفضل الكافيار مع تسليم سريع إضافي. عروض رائعة وخيارات كثيرة. لقد طلبت 4 مرات منهم وفي كل مرة هي أفضل خدمة. نوصي بشدة!