Останавливаюсь только здесь, вкусные завтраки, по семейному). Серные бани в пешей доступности, про достопримечательности и без меня уже написали.
مستوى 16 خبير محلي
أكتوبر 17 ، 2024
Отличная гостиница, приветливый персонал, хорошие завтраки. Чисто, удобно, центр города.
Твой господин
مستوى 20 خبير محلي
أغسطس 18 ، 2024
After confirming the booking on Booking.com, I unexpectedly received a message saying that all rooms were occupied and to cancel the reservation. I told them to cancel it themselves, and, surprise, they replied: "We've solved the problem, we're expecting you." Why should I go somewhere where I wasn't welcome in the first place? Keep in mind, if you book a hotel and don't read your messages, you might find yourself in a situation where you arrive and they don't check you in. I definitely do not recommend this hotel!