Point information from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Kind:additional office
Regulation number:2659/0/33
Date of updating by the Central Bank:02.02.2025
Information about the organization
Banking license:valid license
Registration number:2659
Types of bank activities:deposits in rubles, deposits in foreign currency, deposits in precious metals, operations in non-cash foreign currency, transactions in foreign currency in cash, operations with precious metals
Legal information about the organization
Abbreviated name:ООО КБ "Алтайкапиталбанк"
International name:Commercial Bank "Altaikapitalbank" Limited, Altaikapitalbank
Legal name of the organization:Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Коммерческий банк "Алтайкапиталбанк"
Staff call button
Parking for people with disabilities
Wheelchair accessibility:full access
Wheelchair accessible:Partially available
Additional features:payment of commercial tv, payment of communal services, payment of cellular communication, payment of internet access, payment of phone, payment of ip telephony
Type of currency to exchange:RUR, USD, EUR
Petfriendly:animals are prohibited
Office type:mixed service office
Currency:EUR, USD, RUR, KZT
Issued credit cards:Eurocard/Mastercard
Money transfers:Golden Crown
Loans to individuals:target credit, consumer credit