Dentist services:aesthetic dentistry, endodontics, radiography, orthodontics, prosthetics, therapy, frenuloplasty, filling, extractions, teeth whitening, caries treatment, veneers and lumineers, braces, oral hygiene, crowns, treatment of gum disease, root canal treatment, bone grafting, treatment of periodontitis, treatment of tooth cysts, restoration of teeth, laser dentistry, digital dentistry, skyces, microscopic treatment, orthopedics
Ultrasound price:1200 ₽
Clinic specialization:gynecology, endocrinology, ear nose and throat, dermatology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, pediatrics, therapists, dentistry, psychology and psychiatry, disabilities and audiology, cardiology, psychiatry, diagnostics, medical certificates, narcology, neurology, urology, obstetrics, family medicine, weight correction, laser surgery, surgery
Certificates:exchange card, weapons license, sick-list, medical examination, outpatient's card, medical book, drivers medical board, certification for employment, study, doctor's note for swimming, to work with state secrets, certificate for kindergarten