A Great historical moment but needs more coffee shops around it. Let the locals make more money and let the tourists cool down with a cup of cold beverage.
Abdur Rahman
Level 4 Local Expert
August 25, 2024
Very nice
Level 7 Local Expert
March 24
Bibi-Khanim mosque-one of the most magnificent historical monuments of Samarkand! Its huge gate and elegant decoration is an example of the great architectural art of its time. Surrounded by historical legends, this place makes an unforgettable impression on every visitor. Anyone who goes to Samarkand should definitely visit this place! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐”
“Mechet Bibi-Khanim-Odin iz SAMIX velichestvennix istoricheskix pamyatnikov Samarkanda! Eyo grandioznie Vorota I iziskanny decor yavlyayutsya yarkim primerom velikogo zodchestva svoego vremeni. Okutannoe istoricheskimi legendami, Eto Mesto ostavlyaet nezabivaemie vpechatlenia U kajdogo posetitelya. Esli VI V Samarkande, obyazatelno zaglyanite syuda! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐”