ATM operations:cash withdrawal, accepting cash not for payment, non-cash payment for goods (works, services)
Legal information
International name:JOINT-STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK "CHELINDBANK" (public joint-stock company), PJSC "CHELINDBANK"
Legal name of the organization:АКЦИОНЕРНЫЙ КОММЕРЧЕСКИЙ БАНК "ЧЕЛИНДБАНК" (публичное акционерное общество)
Abbreviated name:ПАО "ЧЕЛИНДБАНК"
Enrollment period:instantly
ATM type:ATM
Payment method:cashless payment, payment by card
Operations with accounts and cards:issuance of cash, account status checking, transfering from card to card, transfering from card to deposit, transfer between accounts, pin code changing
Additional features:payment of commercial tv, payment of communal services, payment of phone