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Operation without card
Payment for services
Location opening hours
Cash in
Operates card Mir
Write an accessibility review
Wheelchair accessible:Not available
Point information
Contactless technologies
Cards only
Date of updating by the Central Bank:30.06.2024
Acceptance currency:RUB
ATM operations:accepting cash in order to pay for goods, accepting cash not for payment, non-cash payment for goods (works, services)
Legal information
International name:Joint stock company Russian Agricultural Bank, JSC Rosselkhozbank
Legal name of the organization:Акционерное общество "Российский Сельскохозяйственный банк"
Abbreviated name:АО "Россельхозбанк"
Operations with accounts and cards:mini account statement, account status checking, deposit opening, enable/disable SMS-info, transfering from card to card, transfering from card to deposit, pin code changing
Additional features:payment of commercial tv, payment of fines stsi, payment of cellular communication, payment of phone