Salon krasoty Beauty
Beauty salon
Cosmetology services:
balneotherapy, aqua-makeup, arsonvalization, medical cosmetology, make-up, biorevitalization, biolifting, noninjection mezotherapy, anti-age procedures, mezotherapy, acne treatment, juvederm, botox, photorejuvenation, lifting, hardware cosmetology, facial, eyelash, eyelashes/eyebrow coloring, biological currents therapy, iontophoresis, laser liposuction, ultrasound, injection iposuction, biopolymer gel, bio, thermage, miostimulation, contour correction, injection lipolysis, cosmetic tattoo, tumors removal, peeling, body care, removal vascular defects, scar removal, mikroionoforez, injection procedure, eyebrow correction, surgiderm, cleansing, plazmalifting, restylane, LPG, ultrasonic liposuction, dysport, epilation, collagen, fractional thermolysis, fractional resurfacing, phonophoresis, power shower, vacuum massager, non surgical skin lifting, hardware miolifting, figure correction, facial massage
Hair removal:
photoepilation, electric removal, sugaring, waxing, enzymatic removal
Hairdressing services:
molecular polishing of hair, pickling, pony-tail, hot haircut, bio-straightening, dyeing, toning, keratin straightening, perm, dreadlocks, coloring, french braids, african braids, elamination, for child, evening hairdo, curls, ripple, hair extension, conditioning treatment, highlights, diagnosis, hairdo, cutting, biolamination, fire cut, bio-perm, biochemistry, frosting, chemical straightening, screening, bronding
Nail procedures:
female pedicure, women's manicure, male manicure, men's pedicure, permanent manicures, nail design, paraffinotherapy, children's manicure, spa manicure, hot manicure, hardware pedicure, hardware manicure
Beauty services:
makeup, men's haircuts, massage, cosmetology, women's haircuts, manicure, peeling, body care, hair removal, conditioning treatment, children's haircuts, tattoos, facials, hair extension, eyelash, nail extension, pedicure services, solarium services, eyelash laminating
Figure correction:
peeling, lifting, envelopment, elos, hydromassage, mesotherapy, starvac, shockwave therapy, ultrasonic treatment, myostimulation, fish peeling
Price for women's haircut:
from 550 ₽
Price for men's haircut:
150–350 ₽
The cost of classical coated manicure:
550–950 ₽
General info
Credit card payment
Gift certificate